Saturday, January 10, 2009

The new item on my wish list.

Don't laugh. I just found something that is pretty exciting for the future of webanalytics for educational purposes. Granted this new product is NOT actually out there yet, but if a TOY can do this...think about a similar device used in conjunction with educational/instructional computer-mediated materials, and the ability to track gathered data with webanalytics. Fun to think about anyway...

Friday, November 14, 2008

Engagement Update!!

And no, it's not mine (definition 3.) That was three decades ago (and the resultant outcome of THAT engagement is still the very best part of my life!)

This is an update about the type of engagement that Joseph Carrabis waxes tediously semantic about here and claims is much harder to define. Read More......

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Demystified, but still a little Foggy.

Though this posting's title could be describing me, that wasn't the intent! It's actually the way I feel about this really great post by 'The Future Collective' (whatever that is? Part of the 'Fog'?)

ANYway....I LOVED the post, and it specifically addresses engagement. Read More......

Friday, October 3, 2008

Operationalizing Engagement

How does this formula grab you?

Whoa! Don't touch that back button YET!
What? this doesn't 'engage' you?

How about this version and explanation?
Σ(Ci + Di + Ri + Li + Bi + Fi + Ii)
Where Read More......

Architects and Designers meet Analysts for best ROI

The article: Information architecture: Data-driven design: Using web analytics to validate heuristics system by Andrea Wiggins and a cited reference around which the article is written are must reads. Though never discussing web analytics and education directly, it explains the need for educational designers and information architects to collaborate with analysts from the beginning of the project, to maximize ROI. It begins with a very insightful quote that applies directly to education: Read More......

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Adopting Web Analytics in Education: Why so S-L-O-W?

In an ongoing hunt for information about the use of Web Analytics (WAs) in education, I’ve looked for answers to the questions from the domain (if,how) x (have,can). If WAs have, if WAs can, how WAs have, how WAs can contribute(d) to the understanding, measuring, and ultimately improving of educational offerings, resources, and experiences on the web. What I’ve found, or rather what I have NOT found, has led me to believe that at this point, there is little evidence that WAs have contributed (in a substantial way) thus far to those goals. Read More......

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wassout There?

What's "being written about web analytics in education"? My auto-pilot diligently typed likely words and combinations into a search engine. After spending considerable time scanning through those, not finding much beyond looking at the logfile, and realizing that everyone else would be conducting a similar search, I decided to try something different. I wondered if there were any recent dissertations that might be of interest. Turns out I found a few. Read More......

Whoa! Who Knew? Web Analytics!

I really don't know the ins and outs of all the reports and data that Google analytics provides. But already it has informed me of something I never would have guessed. Read More......

Monday, September 22, 2008

Here Today...

Having the 'top of the page' for a google search on "sudden strokes" didn't last long, only about 5 days. Today it's down several - which makes my previous post inaccurate now. I'm sure it will continue to move down further and further. I wish I knew more about how it all works. What are the factors in the ordering algorithm/process of google's search engine? Did my blogging about it have any effect? One take away: tags are important, both using them and considering other meanings.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Strange Intersections

Sometimes, not very often, several different components of my life seem to merge together in some kind of strange intersection for a brief moment that is so odd that I wonder if it’s purely coincidence (is there such a thing?) or is it - for lack of a better word- ‘orchestrated’ to help me see another perspective, another opportunity, another connection? One of those moments in time happened just last Tuesday. Read More......

Saturday, September 13, 2008

More Thoughts about Metrics to Monitor

Confession: I couldn’t help myself. It was kind of like trying not to peek in the basement where mom hid the Christmas presents. So I admit it, I have glanced at the reports from Google analytics on my blogs. Well…maybe a little more than glanced. Numbers and Data are just too compelling for me. So I guess my thinking about monitoring metrics is now contaminated by what I know is tracked – though there is so much more I don’t know – or don’t know how to interpret. So here are a few additional thoughts I’ve had about monitoring metrics that would be interesting or useful with educational applications. Read More......

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Online Learning: Monitoring Metrics of Most Worth

Simple question: What measurable metrics do you think would be worth monitoring in online learning environments? Simple question must have a simple answer then – right? Wrong!

First of all where do you draw the line on what is/is not a ‘learning environment’ when most all online environments could be broadly defined as such? Getting past that… I thought this would end up being a simple listing of some generalized data that would be helpful to know – and I could probably make a quick list of those. However, that got me thinking about how to systematically produce that list. The more I thought about that, the more complex things got. This is a rather haphazard enumeration of some of my thoughts:

Read More......

What I hope to gain from our webanalytics class

I want to have enough 'hands-on' experience with webanalytics to understand how I could use it (and the information it provides) in furthering objectives for electronic media used for education, training, research, and personal purposes.

Currently, I'm specifically interested in applications for:
1) computer adaptive testing
2) more information about the success (or lack thereof) of a pilot group blog I'm planning to set up in conjunction with personal leadership responsibilities.

Every Command with 'Eggs'actness

Assignment: "Something" funny.

I've shared this with several classes I've taught - or attended. I haven't quite figured out what makes it so "funny" yet - but I do know that even though it took place years ago, I continue to find parallels to life and lessons I've learned. Read More......
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