Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Online Learning: Monitoring Metrics of Most Worth

Simple question: What measurable metrics do you think would be worth monitoring in online learning environments? Simple question must have a simple answer then – right? Wrong!

First of all where do you draw the line on what is/is not a ‘learning environment’ when most all online environments could be broadly defined as such? Getting past that… I thought this would end up being a simple listing of some generalized data that would be helpful to know – and I could probably make a quick list of those. However, that got me thinking about how to systematically produce that list. The more I thought about that, the more complex things got. This is a rather haphazard enumeration of some of my thoughts:

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What I hope to gain from our webanalytics class

I want to have enough 'hands-on' experience with webanalytics to understand how I could use it (and the information it provides) in furthering objectives for electronic media used for education, training, research, and personal purposes.

Currently, I'm specifically interested in applications for:
1) computer adaptive testing
2) more information about the success (or lack thereof) of a pilot group blog I'm planning to set up in conjunction with personal leadership responsibilities.

Every Command with 'Eggs'actness

Assignment: "Something" funny.

I've shared this with several classes I've taught - or attended. I haven't quite figured out what makes it so "funny" yet - but I do know that even though it took place years ago, I continue to find parallels to life and lessons I've learned. Read More......
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